Sunday, 11 May 2014

Swap it site update.. My Opinion

For anyone who read my previous post, you will see I mentioned I recently joined a site called SwapIt. The site is mainly aimed at teens or younger but even though I am 23, I'm still a bit of a kid myself so I got curious.

I usually swap on, although I do have a lot of items younger kids - teens would like.. like nail art sheets, hair accessories, body jewellery & other jewellery pieces, cheaper makeup brands, stickers & more. So I thought, why not try swapit?  Instead of swapping for other items you trade for points, then you trade your points for other items that take your interest. So far I've only added smaller items and 4 have already gone that I will be posting tomorrow. You do not need to exchange addresses, you send to SwapIt directly with extra postage stamps included with the parcels so that they can forward them on to the winners of the items.

These are the items I have to post already : 

I plan on adding more throughout today, although I already have 42 items listed. Quite a few have already got bids with points. So far, it seems really good. I've seen a few things I'd be interested in so I'm hoping people keep adding more I would get either for me, my partner or someone else.

My profile link again:

Friday, 9 May 2014

Swap Stuff.. Get Stuff ..

I came across a website and thought I'd give it a go. It's got a lot of kids stuff and other stuff too like movies and games. I'm currently adding some stuff  to swap to see how things go. I've seen users on their with 1000+ ratings so things look positive.

I'll start off with smaller stuff to put up and see where things go from there. 

Some things I have added so far:

I thought if it is mainly based towards younger people then I may as well only add stuff that they would possibly like. Hopefully once my points build up I can use them to get me some family / kids dvds as I love disney / pixar movies etc! I'd also be interested in anything crafty on there and possibly get my girlfriend a few teddies as she seems to love them. So fingers crossed it turns out well! 

To view / bid on my swaps with swapit points view here:

For anyone that is interested in signing up please use my link :

Wednesday, 7 May 2014

Britains cleverest cat competition - FACEBOOK

So I seen Cats Like Felix page on facebook are doing a "Britains Cleverest Cat" Competition so I decided to give it a go and enter my two cats Spyro & Blaze. I would be extremely grateful if you voted for them.



You can vote for more than one cat. Go to if you would like to enter your cats.

Thank you!